Consultancy focused on the analysis of related issues
to contracts, bids, concessions, permissions, licenses, authorizations, public services, administrative sanctions
and regulation of the economy;
Acting in administrative proceedings, with the preparation of defenses, appeals or conclusion of terms of conduct adjustment before the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Regulatory Agencies, as well as the most diverse bodies of the public administration of the Union, the States
and the Municipalities;
Acting in judicial litigation, in the 1st degree of jurisdiction and before the federal regional courts and state courts, as well as higher courts (STJ and STF), especially in the preparation of defenses and appeals in popular actions, public civil actions and improbity actions.
Administrative and Economic
Contracts and Civil Liability
Drafting and reviewing contracts, in their most diverse types and variations;
Advisory work relating to business contracts;
Acting in judicial and arbitration proceedings whose object is the (non)compliance with contracts;
Acting in judicial procedures (mass and strategic) whose object is the determination of responsibility
contractual and non-contractual civil;
Advisory and preventive advice with the objective of minimizing the civil risk of individuals and legal entities;
Preparation and review of contracts susceptible to the determination of civil liability.
Consultancy focused on the analysis of issues related to environmental protection standards, consumer relations
and defense of competition;
Acting in administrative proceedings, with the preparation of defenses, appeals or signing of terms of conduct adjustment before the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Consumer Defense Attorneys - Procon,
the Regulatory Agencies, the Central Bank of Brazil – BACEN, the Environmental Protection agencies and the Administrative Council for Economic Defense – CADE;
Acting in judicial litigation, in the 1st degree of jurisdiction and before the federal regional courts and state courts, as well as higher courts (STJ and STF), especially in the preparation of annulment actions,
or defenses in popular actions or public civil actions.
Consumption and Competition
Consultancy in the most diverse matters and with a high degree of complexity related to Banking Law;
Acting in litigation, especially of a strategic nature and in large cases, involving services
and banking products;
Preparation of defenses in administrative and judicial procedures (individual and collective);
Performance with emphasis on the Superior Courts.
Acting in administrative and judicial proceedings that have structured operations as their object;
Acting in legal proceedings involving foreign exchange and derivatives market operations;
Consultancy in relation to capital market legislation in general;
Acting in all spheres and in procedures available for the recovery of credits;
Maintenance of a team of negotiating lawyers specialized in carrying out agreements and extrajudicial collection;
Credit Recovery, Banking
and Capital Markets
Corporate, Bankruptcy and Judicial Recovery
Representation of companies and creditors in judicial recovery and bankruptcy proceedings;
Assistance in business recovery planning and debt restructuring;
Assistance in the search for alternatives for the sale of companies or assets of companies in the recovery process.
Tax consultancy focused on the analysis of issues related to federal, state and municipal taxes, including advice on tax, succession and governance planning aimed at companies and individuals;
Representation of taxpayers before the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil, as well as within the scope of State and Municipal Revenues, for the purpose of obtaining tax compliance certificates, presentation of tax consultations and requests for reimbursement, compensation and qualification of credits;
Acting in administrative tax litigation, with the preparation of defenses and appeals before the most diverse bodies of the public administration of the Union, States and Municipalities, with emphasis on the actions before the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF) and the Taxpayers Councils of States and Municipalities;
Acting in judicial tax litigation, in the 1st degree of jurisdiction and before regional federal and state courts, as well as higher courts (STJ and STF).